Who we are

Choice Energy, doing business as 4 Choice Energy, is a licensed electric supplier providing electric generation services for primarily residential customers and businesses.  

Many states have passed laws on energy deregulation.  In general, deregulation attempts to use free market forces to achieve competitive pricing, ensure adequate supplies, allow greater innovations in product offerings, and promote better services.  A key aspect of retail energy deregulation is that it removes the restrictions of forcing you to purchase both electric delivery and generation services from a monopoly. In general, electricity generators/power plants are separated and independent from the distribution utilities, the utilities continue to retain sole responsibility for the natural monopoly functions of electricity transmission and distribution, while you gain the option to purchase electricity from a number of competing electric retailers other than the utilities.   in most cases you still have the convenience of receiving and paying one combined utility bill.

You Have the Power

Most everyone have taken advantage of telecommunications deregulation by choosing their own Internet, Cable TV, cellular and long distance phone service providers. If you live in a state with energy deregulation, now you can also choose to purchase electricity from an electricity provider/retailer other than the default utility company. When you exercise your power of choice, you are in control of the prices that you pay and the innovative services that you are entitled.  

But there is one catch.....You will have to ask for it. You will have to explicitly declare your choice.  Otherwise, depending on where you live, you will most likely be left behind with the utility company as your default electricity supplier.  

Sign up with us now and choose one of our pricing and service plans that fits your needs.

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As prominently illustrated in our logo, our mission is to be America’s Trusted Choice. That is, we earn our business by focusing on integrity and the relationship aspect with all of our customers, big and small. We will do everything in our power to make sure our customers are satisfied. Sign up now for one of our competitive rate plans and let us show you. You have the power of choice, and you are in control of the savings and services that you are entitled.

The Choice Energy Team

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